Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Virtues of Surah Waqi’ah

Hazrat Uthman radiyallahu anhu went to Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu paying him a visit in his sickness in which he passed away.

He asked, "What illness do you have?"

Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu replied, "My sins."

He inquired, "What do you desire?"

He replied, "The mercy of my Lord."

He asked, "Shall we not call someone to bring a doctor for you?"

Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu replied, "It is a doctor that has made me sick."

Hazrat Uthman radiyallahu anhu asked again, "Shall I give order for your payment to be given."

He replied, "I have no need of it, you withheld it from me during my lifetime and at my death you are giving it to me."

Hazrat Uthman radiyallahu anhu said, "After you it will remain for your daughters."

Hazrat Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu said, "Do you fear poverty over my daughters, I have instructed them to recite every night Surah Waqi’ah for I have heard Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam say, ‘He who recites Surah Waqi’ah every night, poverty will never afflict him."

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