Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Virtues of Surah Baqarah

This Surah has excellent qualities and it gains great reward for its reader, it is called the pavilion of the Qur’aan. Khalid ibn Ma’dan has said that, the reason of this is that, this Surah has great virtues and contains law, commands and advice in abundance. Hazrat Umar radiyallahu anhu learnt this Surah along with acquiring its understanding in 12 years and his son Hazrat Abdullah radiyallahu anhu in 8 years.

1. Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri radiyallahu anhu relates from Usaid ibn Hudhair radiyallahu anhu saying that one night he was reciting Surah Baqarah with his mare tied beside him. It began to run round in circles so he stopped reciting due to which the mare stopped moving. He resumed his recitation and again it went round in circles, so he stopped reciting and it stopped moving. Once more he recited and even on this occasion the mare moved round in circles, so he terminated his Qur’aanic recital, for his son Yahya was near it and he was afraid it might injure him. When he had moved him back he raised his head towards the sky and saw something like a canopy, which appeared to have lamps in it. When he told the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam of it in the morning, he said, "You should keep on reciting Ibn Hudhair, you should keep on reciting Ibn Hudhair."

He replied, "I was afraid, O’ Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam , that it might trample on Yahya who was near by. Therefore, I went to him, and when I raised my head to the sky and saw something like a canopy, which appeared to have lamps in it. I went out but could not see them."

The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam asked whether he knew what it was and when he replied in the negative, he said, "Those were the angels who had drawn near to listen to your voice. If you had continued reciting, the people would have looked at them in the morning and they would not have concealed themselves from them."

Muslim has narrated, "They went up into the air" instead of "I went out."

2. Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah’s Messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam to have said, "Do not make your houses graveyards. The devil flees from the house in which Surah Baqarah is recited."

3. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu has been reported to have said that, "Everything has a hump and the hump of the Qur’aan is Surah Baqarah. Everything has a core and the core of the Qur’aan is Surah Al-Mufassal."

4. Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu has said that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam sent a large army in a Jihad campaign, thereupon he asked every one of them to read that much Qur’aan which one knew. Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam happened to pass by the most elderly in age, so he asked how much Qur’aan he knew. The man replied this much and this much and Surah Baqarah. Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, "Now go, for you are their Ameer (Leader)."

Upon this a noble man said, "Nothing prevented me from learning Surah Baqarah but I was afraid that I could not keep its commandments."

Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam further stated, "Learn the Qur’aan and keep reciting it. Because the similitude of the Qur’aan for one who learns, recites and uses it in prayer at night is a bag filled with Musk whose fragrance diffuses itself everywhere; and he who learns it and goes to sleep having it within him is like a bag with Musk tied up in it."

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